Saturday, March 1, 2014

Learning the language of the people

Upon arrival in Italy, we knew that we needed to learn a few key phrases and words to get us by for the next few days. However, the Italian that we have used the most thus far is not only irrelevant, but sometimes downright comical. 

Useful phrases to know: 

La Donna mangia la mela (the woman eats the apple)
L'uomo mangia il pane (the man eats the bread)
Il cuoco cucina il pesce (The cook cooks the fish)
TAXIS SONO QUI (Cabs are here) - this must be screamed, not spoken
Gelato, per favore! (Delicious Italian ice cream, please!) 

Hopefully by the end of the week we can find practical uses for these phrases!

--Charles Hartz

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